a mercerised cotton quality with a cool and soft touch
The quality Dew is made of 100% mercerised cotton. Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fibre that grows in a boll. The fibre is spun into yarn to make a soft, breathable textile rug. Due to mercerization the cotton benefits lustre and strength.
Dew is a soft, fresh and comfortable rug. Its densely tufted surface has a raw and sophisticated luxury. This range offers two tuft types; low cut and loop pile, which can be combined. It is a characteristic of the Dew cut pile that it is subject to subtle track marking, this occurs due to change of light reflection and is naturally reversible during use.
Cotton is a natural insulator. It is hypoallergenic as it is dust mite resistant and does not release small particulate matter, which contributes to comfortable and healthy living.